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Does The Wi-Fi 6 Router Make A Difference?



 Wi-Fi technology today is a dominant force in today’s society in terms of enabling different devices and access to various services. This has led to the creation of a faster internet. Wi-Fi technology has gone a notch higher with the emergence of Wi-Fi 6 routers. In this article, we shall compare the older generation of routers with the Wi-Fi 6 version and try to establish the importance of upgrading your office or home network to wifi Six.


What Is Explained By Wi-Fi 6?


Wi-Fi6 technology is branded as 802.11ax and it has been developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Resources like the Wi-Fi 5 standard do not have what Wi-Fi 6 includes today due to the better technology adopted in the new standard. This is where the technology of Wi-Fi 6 changes for the better since it will also incorporate technology such as OFDMA, MU-MIMO, 1024QAM, and other advanced technologies.


The Importance of Switching to a Wi-Fi 6 Router


The increase in speed and bandwidth is one of the major advantages of switching to a Wi-Fi 6 router. Tablets, smart TVs, and other devices require constant, reliable connections, and with Wi-Fi 6, users will not have to worry about speed anymore. The maximum data speeds for Wi-Fi 6 networks is as high as 9.6 Gbps against 3.5 Gbps for the older version, which is Wi-Fi 5. This enables a better experience especially when downloading files, streaming videos or playing games online with no lag. Moreover, Wi-Fi 6 routers are built to accommodate the connectivity of several devices without impacting your network negatively thus, very effective for a house with quite a number of connected devices.


The battery life of your devices is improved when users have Wi-Fi 6 routers. Wi-Fi 6 increases the lifecycle of electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops as it reduces the time devices are active and communicating with the router. This matters most for portable devices which are expected to be used on battery for most of the day.


Besides expressing convenience to the users, Wi-Fi 6 helps to alleviate high traffic and congestion issues users must deal with, especially in crowded locations. Gradually developing capacity and efficiency of the Wi-Fi 6 network system can allow more and more people to use the network without sacrificing speed and dependability. Because many people will use the same network resources, it is the best option to provide coverage in places like apartment buildings offices, etc.


Should You Upgrade Your Router to Wi-Fi 6 Technology?


If you plan to upgrade your home or office network, a Wi-Fi 6 router is without a doubt worth looking at. But at the same time, it must also be emphasized that this standard can be effectively used only if your router and connected devices both support Wi-Fi 6. In the absence of Wi-Fi 6 devices, you may or may not witness such a huge turnaround in the device performance.


Also, if you have to do some basic things on the network like just surfing the Internet or doing some email, then the transition from Wi-Fi 5 to Wi-Fi 6 would not change the game. It would make most sense to upgrade to a Wi-Fi 6 router for power users who do intense gaming, video editing or transfer of large files where speed and low latency are critical.



As the last part of this article, it can be noted that having a Wi-Fi 6 router can actually provide improvement in speed, stability as well as the number of accommodated devices. Having Wi-Fi 6 routers will not only secure the employees with the existing connections but also keep looking forward to new upgrades that will enhance wireless connectivity in the home or office premises. At BT-PON, you can purchase various modern Wi-Fi 6 routers and networking solutions that fit your needs. Find the desired information on our products in the appropriate section of our website.

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