Floor 3, Building B, Honghua Science and Technology Innovation Park, Laowai Industrial Zone, Hualian Community, Longhua Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen +86 17710557797 sales@bt-pon.com


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What's FTTH?

Fiber to the home (FTTH), also called fiber to the premises (FTTP), is the installation and use of optical fiber from a central point directly to individual buildings such as residences, apartment buildings and businesses to provide high-speed internet access.

How does FTTH work?

FTTH access networks are basically structured like this: fiber optic cables run from a central office, through a fiber distribution hub (FDH), then through a network access point (NAP), then finally into the home through a terminal that serves as a junction box.

What's FTTx Network?

Since the customers have demanded for a more intensive bandwidth, the telecommunication carriers must seek to offer a matured network convergence and enable the revolution of consumer media device interaction. Hence, the emergence of FTTx technology is significant for people all over the world. FTTx, also called as fiber to the x, is a collective term for any broadband network architecture using optical fiber to provide all or part of the local loop used for last mile telecommunications. With different network destinations, FTTx can be categorized into several terminologies, such as FTTH, FTTN, FTTC, FTTB, FTTP, etc. The following parts will introduce the above terms at length.

What’s PON?

A passive optical network (PON) is a system that brings optical fiber cabling and signals all or most of the way to the end user. Depending on where the PON terminates, the system can be described as fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC), fiber-to-the-building (FTTB), or fiber-to-the-home (FTTH). Downstream signal coming from the central office is broadcast to each customer premises sharing a fiber. Encryption is used to prevent eavesdropping. Upstream signals are combined using a multiple-access protocol, usually time division multiple access (TDMA). A PON consists of an optical line terminal (OLT) at the service provider’s central office (hub) and a number of optical network units (ONUs) orOptical Network Terminals (ONTs), near end users.

Quick ONT or ONU troubleshooting

The signal shows a full signal, but the network speed is still slow? What does it mean when the ONU indicator keeps flashing? 1.POWER Plug in and light up, showing whether ONU is connected to power, ONU without power connection is useless. Color change: Green always on: the device is connected to the power supply Off: the device is not plugged in, or ONU is bad Solution: If the power supply is normally connected, the POWER indicator still does not light up, we recommend that you try replacing the ONU with a new one. 2.PON indicator Used to indicate the PON link status and OLT registration status. Color change: Green is always on: the device has been registered to the OLT, which is a normal situation Blinking green: the ONU is not configured or data is lost Off: the device is not registered to the OLT Solution: You can contact the operator or customer service to solve the problem 3.LOS indicator Used to indicate the link status of the optical link. Color change: Red light on: optical link is not working Red blinking: the device has not received the optical signal Off: the device has received the optical signal Solution: If the optical path is not working, you need to see if there is a large bend in the fiber; or see if the end of the fiber is not connected somewhere. If you can not get it, you can contact the operator to solve. 4.LAN indicator This light is generally used to indicate the connection between ONU and computer. Color change: Always green: The port is normally connected to the terminal Blinking green: The port is exchanging data with the terminal Off: The port is idle, or abnormally connected to the terminal. Solution: If the wired terminal cannot be connected to the network, you are recommended to plug and unplug it again or access a new LAN port. 5.TEL/Phone indicator TEL indicator is also called voice phone indicator, which indicates the connection status of ONU and telephone at the local end. Description: This indicator is only available on the front side of the ONU if there is a telephone interface on the back of the ONU. Color change: Always on: The phone is successfully registered in the network Flashing: There is voice data exchange Off: Registration failed, or no phone connection

What's the difference between HUG and SFU?

The most essential difference of SFU can be understood as Layer2 device, usually no routing function;HUG is a Layer3 device with routing function and compared with SFU, it has home gateway function.

How to Restore factory BT-PON ONU/ONT?

Reset using the reset button is a quick way to restore settings and useful when you forget your login password and unable to access settings. Before making ONU factory default make sure you have configuration back to restore else contact your internet provider to manage configuration remotely. Turn on ONT Router mode Device using DC adapter. Locate a small reset button or hole option beside ethernet or bottom side depends on the model number. Press and hold reset button for 10-15 seconds using a paper clip or needles. ONT Modem will auto restart afater excutive reset command. Ping default IP address printed to ONU sticker and once default IP start Ping login ONT and restore configuration back or setup manually as per OLT configurations. You can use restore the configuration from the web interface if your ONT device not stable, internet frequent disconnection and showing LOS led blinking then login and reset from settings. Before making an ONT device reset take configuration backup from settings so you can restore again to run the internet properly else you will be disconnected from the internet until the ONU device not configured. Go to Admin – Device- Restore Factory Press “Restore factory” you will get a confirmation Popup window to confirm and wait to reboot the ONT device to restore configuration settings.

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